
Tazo China Green Tips Green Tea

This Tazo green tea tastes like the expensive green tea my father bought as a present for his professor grown in asia. It has that nice subtle gentle flavor underneath the usual green tea flavor which I really love. It's not too harsh (for me anyhow) and I don't like it when people mix green tea with lemon... so this tea is good for me to just enjoy the tea leaf flavor without breaking my bank!
It's a slightly stronger green tea than Tazo's Zen, and I liked that it doesn't contain Tazo's omnipresent "natural flavors" that almost all of their other teas contain, which to me is not an advantage. I like a natural, real taste with real ingredients sans vague "natural flavors" and sans flavorings, sans essences, etc. China Green Tips delivers this in a cleaner, purer way than Tazo's other teas. I liked this green tea!