
Tazo Earl Grey Black Tea, 20 Bags

Tazo's Earl Grey Black Tea is very perfumy. Tazo shows considerable expertise in the blending of this top quality tea. These sumptuous black teas provide the perfect complement to the strong bergamot essence in this blend.

The fragrance of Tazo Earl Grey is powerfully floral, in particular lavender, citrus, and the woodsy-malt scent of premium black tea.
The flavor of this splendid potion is rich and perfumed. The addition of cream creates a lush sensual brew. A topnotch tea blend!

Earl Grey is considered to be the second most popular tea in the world. Traditionally Tazo Earl Grey Black Tea is created from a blend of black teas, usually Chinese and Indian teas, sometimes with a smoky flavor, and scented with the citrus fruit bergamot. Earl Grey tea has an interesting history. Legend has it that the first tea scented with bergamot oil was presented to Lord Grey from a Chinese mandarin whose son was saved from drowning by one of Lord Grey's men. Twinings and Jacksons of Piccadilly both claim to be the first to have commercially blended this tea.